
Keiji Haino & Guro Moe
Drums & Octobass

Artist:  Keiji Haino & Guro Moe

Album title: Drums & Octobass

Label: Conrad Sound

Catalog number: CNRD334LP / CNRD334CD

Release: 15th December 2023

Formats and pricing:
- single vinyl from €12
- 2xCD digipak from €10
- Digital download from Bandcamp

- From Norway to Norway
- From Slovenia to EU and rest of the world




We Come for an Experience of Presence is the result of a successful studio day in April 2022. The album represents ükya’s musical beginning and simultaneously the foundation for what is yet to come. The music is freely improvised, but the trio has found their own little patch in the ever expanding forest of improvised music. To use Peter Margasak’s words: The music certainly takes great inspiration from classic non-idiomatic free improv, but the execution is so bold and assured that it avoids ever sounding tentative or cliched, qualities that frequently bog down so much like-minded improvised music today

This is also the first band ever on Nakama Records which does not feature any member from Nakama. It only took us 25 releases to there, but ah – how we delight in the smell, taste and – not least – sounds of fresh blood! Jokes aside – we still consider them family, as two of them have attended The Nacademy (a summer course in improvised music) in the past.


Artist bio

ükya (always written like that) consists of trombonist Emil Bø, guitarist Kristian Enkerud Lien and drummer Michael Lee Sørenmo. The trio works with conceptions around just intonation, European art music, minimalism, jazz and British improvisational music. This results in a contemporary reflection of free form and a rigorous organization of sound in a lyrical and energetic wrapping.



Særegent. Lytteren forblir innesperret i et særegent øyeblikk i tiden.
- Arvid Schanke Knutsen, Klassekampen

Deres samarbeid åpner dørene for de mest uforutsigbare lyder.
- Matty Terrones, Post Trash



Keiji Haino - drums
Guro Moe - octobass

Recorded by - Børge Fjordheim
Mix - Kyrre Laastad
Mastering - Karl Klaseie
Cover design - Christian Meaas Svendsen


Emil / Michael / Kristian

photo: Fan-Qi Wu

photo: Wasyl photography



